Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff

向日葵视频 faculty and staff are thoughtful, creative and fully invested in student success and groundbreaking research. With collaborative and innovative approaches to hard problems, we find far-reaching solutions for the natural world, human health and well-being, and social and economic progress. We are unwavering in our commitment to the people we serve across Oregon and beyond.

Request access to Banner, Appworx, or other databases

Learn about insurance, staff tuition, and retirement options

Buy supplies and products, or hire a vendor

Hire an undergraduate or graduate student employee

Data storage and collaboration

Add branding to print and digital materials

Get HR, finance and accounting support for your unit

Learn how to prevent waste and recycle on campus

OSU's learning management platform

Run reports using student, finance, human resources and other types of data

Training for employees, students and volunteers

Search for contact information of the OSU community

Sign a document electronically

Fill out timesheet and request leave

Legal, financial, work-life, and mental health and wellness services and resources

Report a safety concern, request a waste pickup, receive safety training or consultation

Request accommodations 

Find events that are sponsored by an OSU department

Report a maintenance issue

Take an exercise class on campus

Order textbooks for an upcoming class

Read about the United Academics of OSU (UAOSU) faculty union's bargaining updates

Services to all OSU families with dependent care

Get an OSU ID or replacement

Protect the rights and welfare of human subjects who participate in research

Check the operation status for various IT systems

Check available job listings

A personalized dashboard for students and employees

Cloud platform for Microsoft products such as Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, and more

Resolve work conflict

Microsoft's cloud storage option

University online ID that gives you access to key resources

Load money onto your OSU ID to use at campus eateries

Connect to online journals and databases, research guides, and request materials

Download software available to OSU employees

Read about OSU in the news

Check your work email through a web browser

Ship a package or print a sign, brochure, etc.

Criteria and procedures for promotion and tenure

Learn how to hire an employee

Take a climbing class, rent outdoor equipment, hire a personal trainer and much more with RecSports

Safety resources to facilitate a safe and healthy experience at OSU

Check salaries for unclassified and classified employees

Find a search advocate for your search committee

Contact the union for classified employees

Technical support for your computer

Sign up for 2 factor authentication

Request pick up of extra office supplies and furniture

Course design, inclusive teaching, instructional methods, and blended learning

Request phone service or repair

Grading, curriculum changes, scheduling, & degree requirements

Rent a vehicle, ride the Beaver Bus, purchase a parking permit, or get options for biking, walking, transit and carpooling

Book and get reimbursement for work related travel

Order catering for an event

Start a virtual meeting